Culture Change

Driving culture change is a medium term process that is best achieved through the integration of a number of collective initiatives, such as:

  • identifying the new behaviours expected and required within a new culture
  • clarifying and communicating effectively about the changes and expectations
  • being clear about the purpose of new culture, for example, moving from being a sole provider to contestability framework
  • learning and development programs to support the development of new skills and behaviours
  • restructures and realignments to better deliver the new cultural requirements
  • new systems and processes the align with desired culture
  • performance and reward structures to support and reinforce desired behaviours
  • leadership to engage the team in an exciting future vision

Like any change, cultural change requires strong leadership and communication skills. Do your organisations' leaders really have what it takes to lead the troops and make the hard changes that are necessary? Can they adequately engage and inspire the team and consistently display and reinforce the new desired behaviours?  If not, they may require support from Leadership Evolution to help guide them through this complex process, which is often steeped in emotion and the nature of human interaction. We are here to help leaders through:

Ring Alison on 0400 340 171 to discuss your priorities and get some real expert input from an experienced psychologist and organsiational development professional.